July 24, 2024

Profile: Valgerður Friðriksdóttir, First Water’s Human Resources Manager

Interesting Challenge Ahead

Valgerður Friðriksdóttir has worked at many different companies in her career as human resources manager. Today, she is doing her dream job as the human resources manager of land-based salmon farm First Water. It is quite busy there these days. The first harvest took place in May 2023 and this year the company harvests almost every week. The salmon has been well received and Valgerður and her colleagues are very proud of the results.

What Are the Company’s Main Challenges at the Moment?

The project as a whole is one big challenge. Land-based aquaculture is a very new approach and there isn’t any “playbook” for how to react to unforeseen circumstances. There is a lot of innovation involved and therefore many things about this project can be considered a challenge. In our area in Þorlákshöfn we will set up 158 tanks, a hatchery and processing plant, which will be the largest in the country, including all infrastructure. Alongside the development, we are busy breeding salmon and have already harvested over 1,000 tons of prime salmon. The company’s fundraising is also in full swing. According to plans, the total cost of development will amount to around ISK 115 billion.

In the coming months and years, it will be a very interesting challenge to man all positions as we will require people of varied educational backgrounds, skills and experience, including engineers, electricians, machinists, biologists and experts in aquaculture, to name a few examples.

What Intellectual Has Influenced You the Most?

Patrick Lencioni and his book The Five Dysfunctions of a Team. The book’s morale is simple in many respects, but incredibly important. Trust within companies is key to building teams and their success, in my opinion. If trust is non-existent, you will not be able to get the best out of the teams. It can take time to build up trust, but it is worth it.

How Do You Maintain Your Knowledge?

Since I started working at First Water, I feel like I’ve learned something new almost every day. There is so much innovation going on and no one else is doing exactly the same things we are, and therefore you cannot tap into the extensive knowledge or experience of others. I therefore try to soak up knowledge on everything that we’re working on, whether it concerns the wellbeing of salmon or the development of oxygen tanks, to name two examples. It is a completely new industry to me, and I find it fun and interesting to learn more about it. Otherwise, I try to attend events and conferences which I believe can prove useful to me in my profession. I think it’s very important to stay on top of things and always learn something new.

Do You Take Good Care of Your Health?

After Móa the dog moved in, I take daily walks and usually twice a day. There is no better way to start a new day than by spending time outside and exercising. I also try to go to the gym twice weekly at noon, as the gym is close to my office, and do some weightlifting, too. Earlier, I was an active runner and biker, but currently my bikes are collecting dust in the storage room. That might change one day! Our salmon is exceptionally tasty and healthy, and I especially enjoy barbecuing it or making sashimi.

What Would Be Your Dream Job if You Were Looking for a New Job?

I’d like to think that I’m currently doing my dream job. To be able to participate in developing this fantastic project that we’re working on is a privilege.

What Would You Do if You Were Given the Chance to Earn a New Degree?

There are two things that interest me, on the one hand, earning an MBA, but I would like to study abroad and be able to enjoy focusing completely on my studies. On the other hand, the policy making of companies. I would absolutely be up for learning more about that as companies are constantly evolving and changing.

What Do You Do to Stay Energized and Inspired at Work?

Being outside and exercising gives me energy. After a demanding day, going outside for a walk or run to clear my mind is the best thing to do. To be around people gives you energy. It’s invaluable and I’m incredibly lucky to have amazing people around me. Sleep plays a key part in my wellbeing, and I generally try to go to bed early. I also keep track of what’s going on at each given time and attend conferences and short courses which intrigue me.

The Other Side

Education: University of Iceland, social worker, 2009; University of Iceland, human resources management, 2011, University of Reykjavík, PMD studies, 2018; Profectus, goal coach, 2019.

Positions: Assistant employee manager at IKEA 2012–2015. Payroll officer at Nova 2015–2016. Human resources manager at Shell 2016–2018 and at 66°North in 2018. Product manager of human resources solutions at Advania in 2019. Human resources manager at ELKO and later its parent company Festi in 2019–2023. Human resources manager at First Water since 2023.

Hobbies: To travel with good people is absolutely my favorite thing to do. It doesn’t hurt to go somewhere where the temperature is a little higher than here and where the sun is shining. Walking tours are definitely something I enjoy, and I try to go on longer tours at least once a year. There are few things better than being outside in nature and exercising while at it. However, I admit that I’m not too keen on sleeping in lodges—but I do it if I must.

Family: Me and the princess of the house, Móa (a Havanese dog).